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Observations from the Atheist Witch

All living beings deserve love and respect


There’s a million and one blogs out there, so why stop and read this one? Honestly, I have no good reason to compel you. I write for myself. I write for growth. I write because that’s who I am.

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What or Who is an Atheist Witch?

Anyone can call themselves an Atheist Witch, I have no legal hold on the term. I happen to have thought of it, and I’m sure others have too. I think there is a pretty big group across the pond that uses that name also.

The definition of “theism” from Merriam-Webster states, “belief in the existence of a god or gods; specifically :belief in the existence of one God viewed as the creative source of the human race and the world who transcends yet is immanent in the world.” So of course adding the opposite with the prefix “a,” I am defining an atheist as someone who does not believe a god or gods exist as the creative source of the human race.

Moving on to the term “Witch” it can conjure up a lot of variables (pun intended). I’m going to define it here as, “a woman thought to have magical powers.” Actually people have an amazing amount of power, yet women find it easier to tap into. For this I blame the Patriarchy, but that’s another story.

So here we have this belief that deities do not exist, yet there is magic? Well, I’m stretching the term of the word magic, but I see it as the exchange of information on a cellular level across all life. More on this later. Let’s roll with it for now.

This brings us to the platform that an Atheist Witch does not believe in a god or gods, yet she identifies with the life force that connects us together.

A life force that allows one to choose joy or choose discord

Sounds like magic and most atheists are probably closing their browser window or getting ready to send an irate message. Yet I promise that eventually I will write out the best scientific explanation and link it to as many published studies I could find.

I’m not here to bring anyone to the Witch side. I’m here to talk my shit and see if it resonates with anyone else.

And the Witch Woman photo that is either on the left or above this text (depending if you are on a computer or mobile device), is NOT ME. Dang, I’d be an extremely happy witch if that was a photo of me. She’s quite sensual and has a lovely witchy aura. I wouldn’t kick her out of my bed for sure. BaZinGa!

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the Atheist Witch is a website for entertainment purposes only. We discuss life and everything about it. There is no dispensing of medical advice or legal advice. It's all about discussion.

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